Every year, we welcome more than 400 new students to Westmont. During their education, we prepare them for a lifetime of leadership and service in every sphere of modern society. In between their arrival and their graduation, 他们会遇到一系列的学术和课外经历,这些经历是由我们对严谨的学术和对上帝的深爱的双轨核心承诺所激发的 文科 我们的课程, 基督教 身份,我们 住宅 校园,我们 本科 聚焦与全球展望. These enduring commitments have guided every new generation of faculty, 教职员工和学生们自1937年建校以来,我们一直在追求学院的下一个地平线.
我们希望你的学生 茁壮成长 在WESTMONT.
职业机会和职业探索(湾)中心帮助学生发现自己的优势, explore the workplace through internships, 与相似领域的校友建立联系, and find God’s direction for their life.
Internships are a great way to test drive a career. 66%的学生参加实习,其中许多提供学分.
Ninety-four percent of the class of 2022 graduates were employed, 被研究生院录取, p艺术icipating in a service/volunteer program, or serving in the military within six months of graduation.
位于圣巴巴拉, 美国里维埃拉, you’ll flourish in a culturally rich and vibrant setting.
你属于这里. 你在这里会有家的感觉. 你得自己去看看!
Westmont offers generous financial aid to qualified students; see the scholarship grid
below to discover if your student will receive an academic award. If you submit a FAFSA, your student may also obtain need-based aid. Talent-based awards are available in athletics, 艺术, 戏剧和音乐, and students may apply for a Cultural Diversity award. 在Westmont, students get the classes they need when they need them, so they can graduate in four years—and some even finish ahead of schedule.
19岁的杰出足球运动员蒂姆·海德克在韦斯特蒙特大学发现了更多的东西. 他克服了挑战, 在基督里发现了自己的身份, experienced endless support and developed lifelong, 有意义的人际关系.
In his first year as a Warrior athlete, 蒂姆进了三个球,但脚伤使他不得不缺席下个赛季. “I chose to make the most of a difficult situation,他说. “Though it was tough, I came to rely on my faith and was never happier. 我再也找不到比这更好的地方了,我非常幸运,也非常幸运能来到韦斯特蒙.”
这位来自戈莱塔附近的大四学生曾两次因学业表现获得金鹰奖, his athletic ability and his character. 他曾在韦斯特蒙特体育广播员实习,并担任学生报纸的体育编辑. 在校外, he has contributed stories to the Santa Barbara 新闻-Press and Presidio Sports, and he completed an internship at a local law office.
“I’m following the sports-journalism route, but the profession is in flux,” Tim says. “I’m interested in law—my dad is a licensed attorney—so that’s a possibility as well.”
与此同时, 蒂姆决定在韦斯特蒙特大学待到2019年秋季,因为他缺席了大二赛季,所以他决定再参加一年的足球队比赛. 他将利用额外的一个学期修读经济学、商学和传播学的双学位.
19岁的海蒂·普尔曼(Heidi Pullmann)选择韦斯特蒙是因为它成功地将学生送入医学院,并计划成为一名医生或大学教授. But her college experience expanded her sense of vocation beyond medicine. 当她加入一位教授的研究项目时,她发现了在实验室工作的激情. “I love biology and want to be deeply invested in it,她说。.
She also added a minor in religious studies. “我发现宗教通常很吸引人,因为它涉及到我大脑中不常用的部分,她说。. “我想在精神上成长,并准备好并愿意在ag娱乐官网上接受挑战, and my classes have done that immensely. But they’ve also affirmed that science and 基督教ity are compatible.”
她仔细规划了自己的日程安排,让她有机会和韦斯特蒙特一起在耶路撒冷度过一个学期,这样她就可以在国外生活,探索耶路撒冷. 她赞赏对巴勒斯坦和以色列ag娱乐官网的深入了解.
Last summer, she conducted reSearch with Yi-Fan Lu, assistant professor of biology. 该部门获得了一种高科技工具来了解人类神经系统疾病, 比如阿尔茨海默病, 她使用新的微电极阵列来检测和记录神经元对基因突变或毒素的反应. 海蒂在2018年9月的夏季研究庆典上展示了她的发现. Wanting to be involved at Westmont in a deeper capacity,
去年春天,她竞选了韦斯特蒙特大学生协会(WCSA)的副主席,并获得了胜利. “Serving with WCSA has helped me feel more connected to Westmont,她说。. “我以前从来没有想过学生会,但事实证明它非常适合我.”
Heidi will enroll in a doctoral program at Baylor University in the fall. 贝勒大学细胞分子生物学项目的一位教授找到韦斯特蒙大学,寻找一名从事植物遗传学研究的研究生. “我对通过植物遗传学或农业技术开发更好的种植植物的方法很感兴趣,海蒂说. “I hope to aid in discoveries that can help end world hunger.”
回顾, 海蒂说,她在韦斯特蒙特大学的四年有时很艰难,她驾驭了人际关系,找到了自己的ag娱乐官网. “I’ve met the most amazing people here and developed genuine friendships,她说。. “离开时,我对自己作为学者、科学家和上帝之子的能力充满信心. Westmont was a safe place to work out all these things.”
Lucas Vieira ’19 went to Urbana 2018 hoping to find clear direction for his life. Instead, he realized God was calling him to be faithful. “God didn’t give me a plan at Urbana, he gave me peace,” Lucas says. “Living a successful life means being faithful to him wherever I am.”
卢卡斯对全球和城市宣教充满热情,梦想从事牧灵事工. His double major in religious studies and philosophy, 他参与各部工作, his leadership of 教堂 Band and worship at Reality Carpinteria, and his global experiences have all prepared him to serve. “当我毕业的时候, I’ll look for a job in Santa Barbara to make a living, 申请在线神学院课程, 接入当地教堂, 看主领我往那里去,他说.
卢卡斯就读于Mayterm India,学习基督教宣教、印度教和社会正义. He had planned to become a lawyer like his father. 但是在肮脏的地方行走, 拥挤的加尔各答街道, 他看到老人睡在草席上, 衣服在头顶飘动, 女性倾向于小, 明火炉灶. 一排排残废的人, 一贫如洗、饥肠辘辘的人们在特蕾莎修女的贫困和垂死之家外等待死亡. 在这种绝望之中, 传教士, 修女和志愿者们前来提供食物, 给垂死的人洗澡,安慰他们. Lucas began to wonder if God was calling him to serve.
During his semester with West- mont in Jerusalem, 卢卡斯在中东遇到了紧张局势和棘手的问题,并欣赏政治家和援助工作者如何以不同的方式解决冲突. But the stories of pastors serving in the region spoke most powerfully to him. “人们试图把福音带到这些破碎的地方,这在我心中激起了一些东西, and I realized I wanted to step into that role,他说.
在棕枝主日, 他加入了在耶路撒冷老城外的世界各地的基督徒队伍,一同下山, 笑, 唱歌跳舞. He remembers it as one of the most hopeful moments in his life. “I realized that Jesus’s kingdom is real and visible,他说.
He later made several trips to countries in Africa, which strengthened his commitment to ministry and passion for the global church. He has worked with the student ministry Emmaus Road as programming coordinator, 帮助团队在世界各地寻找他们可以在夏季服务的地方.
Urbana changed his perspective on ministry. 他说:“基督没有呼召他的子民成为世界的救世主,这让我很震惊。. 相反,他呼召我们要忠心谦卑地带领别人认识这位世界的救主.
“God is a missionary and is still writing his story. Because we know the ending—Christ returns and makes all things new!—we can announce this hope and become ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.”
韦斯特蒙特的学生成功中心是为所有学生设计的——那些希望磨练自己的技能以达到下一个水平的学生, as well as those struggling to perform, 感觉困, 或者不知道该向哪里求助.